

Personal Therapy

I offer counseling and other psychological services for strong, hardworking people who are used to being a rock that others depend on.

When that’s what you’re used to, it isn’t always easy to reach out and talk to a therapist. But, if you want to try something different from what you’ve been doing thus far, you’ve come to the right place. I offer in-person and online counseling for your convenience. 


Click below to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation.

Get Started

If you’re near Round Rock and prefer to be seen in-person, the office is easy to get to.

It takes courage, a sense of adventure, and sometimes even perseverance to find a good therapist. One client put it this way, “Finding a therapist is like finding the right pair of shoes.” Sometimes you have to try on more than one pair.



If you’re wondering if I’d be a fit for you, the best way is to schedule a consultation. We’ll talk for 5-15 minutes, answer any questions you might have, and get a better feel for one another. According to research studies, the connection with the therapist is a strong predictor for therapeutic success.


“Finding a therapist is like finding the right pair of shoes.”

On-line therapy may be a better fit.

On-line Therapy

In-Person therapy isn’t for everyone. On-line counseling may be better if you have a busy schedule, young children, or live too far from Round Rock @ I-35. 

On-line counseling allows you to schedule at a time more convenient, and in the comfort of your own home. No traffic, No gas fill-ups, no worries about disturbing the little one’s nap. We can even knock out a session on your lunch break!


Get Started

Quick Tips

There are some considerations when conducting on-line therapy that you’ll want to prepare for.

  • Select a quiet, private space free from distractions.
  • Have good internet speed (good enough to watch Netflix).
  • Use Google Chrome web browser.
  • Close all unnecessary applications and programs.
  • If you’re not sure about your internet connection, request a test session at least 48 hours prior to your online visit.
  • Expect the unexpected. Crap happens and things go wrong despite excellent planning. Sometimes your power goes out. Sometimes the computer acts funny. Sometimes the cat knocks over the cable modem and shatters it. Just roll with it. Usually the convenience of online therapy is worth the unexpected adventures. 


No traffic. No gas fill-ups. No worries about disturbing the little ones.